SAUNA RENTAL AGREEMENT RENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS -- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY PRIOR TO RENTAL NORTHERN HEAT SAUNA RENTALS TO: This Rental Agreement must be signed by principal “Renter” ie. individual who holds reservation or booking and/or pays the majority of the rental fee. Renter must be an adult. Northern Heat Sauna Rentals is “Rentee/Releasee.” I, the undersigned, understand/agree that sauna use is inherently risky. I am aware of these risks and that I have read, understood and signed Northern Heat Sauna Rentals “RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS, ASSUMPTION OF RISK WARNING AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT” prior to use. I, the undersigned, understand/agree that I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL GUESTS not accounted for by Northern Heat Sauna Rentals at time of booking, and that I assume all risks associated with additional guests using the sauna. I have received copies of “RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS, ASSUMPTION OF RISK WARNING AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT” for additional unaccounted guests to read, understand and sign should they choose to participate. I, the undersigned, understand/agree that I will ensure that any minor will be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult, and that both of the aforementioned have read, understood and signed “CONSENT OF PARENT, GUARDIAN OR RESPONSIBLE ADULT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY FORM FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 19” and that copies of this document have also been left in my care should any unaccounted minors wish to participate. I, the undersigned, understand/agree that sauna use, heat tolerances and human physiologies vary for every individual and that I have no underlying medical conditions that may disqualify me from sauna use. I agree that if I am uncertain of this I will conduct my own research and consult a physician prior to use. PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES/USE/ACTIVITIES No jewelry (may burn skin), alcohol, red-wine, smoking, drugs, food, metal, sharp objects, breakables (glassware or glass equivalents, ceramics) Non-diluted essential oil application NO Fire accelerants of any kind (propane, butane, gasoline, diesel or any other flammables) Adding cold-water shower on front or sides of stove or stove-top rocks as this will cause rapid internal temperature increase and potential steam burns. Do not cross the stove-guard barrier - metal surfaces are hot and may cause burns. FIRE-STARTING/HEAT MANAGEMENT Use only natural fire-starter sticks/logs, tinder, kindling and fire-wood in stoves no other fire materials are permitted in sauna stove. All stove surfaces are hot and can cause burns, use red handles to lift stove access and load fire-wood. Surfaces include: Exterior metal stove lid and surrounding protective flashing, Interior stove surfaces and hot rocks, interior/exterior chimney flue surfaces and exhaust gases. Sauna interior is vented for natural air movement - if internal temperatures become uncomfortable, open the sauna door to release any excess heat. EQUIPMENT AGREEMENT/SECURITY DEPOSIT/CLEANING FEE/RETURN DELAYS The Renter will be required to provide a security deposit “hold” via credit card to Northern Heat Sauna Rentals in the amount of $500 By signing this agreement the Renter accepts full responsibility for the care of the equipment they are renting and is responsible for any damage, beyond regular wear and tear, caused by its use. The Renter agrees to pay for any damage to the equipment, and to replace the equipment at full retail value if it is lost or stolen. Both the Renter and Rentee/releasee have inspected the equipment to make sure it is in good condition on the date of this agreement. The Renter understands that there will be a $50 cleaning fee charged at the discretion of the Rentee/Releasee if the sauna is left in an excessive state of uncleanliness. In the case of mobile sauna rentals, The Renter agrees to pay an additional rental fee of two-nights: (May-Oct) and one-night: (Nov-April) if the sauna cannot be retrieved between the hours of 0900-1200 following the rental period due to circumstances beyond the Rentee/Releasee’s control. CANCELLATION POLICY Mobile Saunas: 3 days prior notice required from (May 01 - Oct 31) and 48 hours prior from (Nov 01-April 30) to incur a refund, otherwise full booking price will be applied. CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 19 AND ADDITIONAL GUESTS Children under the age of 19 are not permitted in the sauna without written consent of parent, guardian or responsible adult via “CONSENT OF PARENT, GUARDIAN OR RESPONSIBLE ADULT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY FORM FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 19” provided by Northern Heat Sauna Rentals. Additional guests not accounted for during booking are not permitted to use the sauna without signing “RENTAL AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS, ASSUMPTION OF RISK WARNING AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT.” Please advise Northern Heat Sauna Rentals so that we may provide the necessary forms. By signing this agreement, the Renter assumes all liability and risk for additional guests who have not filled out the aforementioned forms as well as their education on safe use and best practices. MOBILE SAUNA DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP TIMES Northern Heat Sauna Rentals will always strive to reach mutually agreeable delivery/pick-up times, however, for overnight rentals, Northern Heat Sauna Rentals reserves the right to pick-up and drop-off mobile rental units at any time between 0900-1200 prior-to and after bookings. SAFETY PLACARDS/MARKINGS By signing this agreement, you agree that you will abide by all sauna safety placards/markings. FIRE EXTINGUISHER USE By signing this agreement, the undersigned agrees that they have been briefed on fire extinguisher operation using the mnemonic “PASS” (pull pin, aim nozzle, squeeze trigger, and sweep over seat of fire).*
I Agree To The Terms/ Waiver